CALLOUT 18 – Call to assist injured mountain biker
January 28, 2021
CALLOUT 22 – Call to assist injured walker
February 2, 2021CALLOUTS 19, 20 & 21
#19 At 11:12 the team received a request for assistance from NWAS to an injured biker in Lee Mill Quarry. As team members arrived on the scene both North West Ambulance Service and North West Air Ambulance Charity were already there and treating the patient. The team assisted as needed before packaging the casualty onto the bell stretcher and carrying them to the awaiting air ambulance for onwards transport to the hospital for treatment.
Whilst the team was deployed for this incident, two further callouts came through.
#20 At 11:33 the team were contacted and asked to assist with an injured walker on Musden Head Moor, near Helmshore. Immediately some of the team were diverted, but due to the team already responding to Lee Mill Quarry, our colleagues in Bolton Mountain Rescue Team were also asked to assist and sent two of their vehicles to this incident also. The walker had sustained a suspected ankle injury, and the casualty was treated by members from both teams, before being carried a short way to the nearest farm. Whilst the casualty was being dealt with, other members from our team cleared some of the ice from the access the farm, so the ambulance could make its way safely to the location. The casualty was handed over to the crew before the team stood down and returned to base.
#21 At 11:36, Just 3 minutes after the second call out, we were contacted a third time by the North West Ambulance Service to assist in Newchurch in Pendle, where an ambulance had become stuck whilst making their way to another injured walker with ankle/lower leg injury. Fortunately, whilst team members were responding in the team vehicle to assist, we received word that the crew were able to get to the location and the team stood down (diverting back to the second incident).
As the jobs were finished, vehicles were brought back to base, cleaned down and ensured ready for the next time we are called. Unfortunately, as leaving the scene from Lee Quarry, a member of the public had parked blocking the access track – this meant the team could get past in the 4×4 by going ‘off-road’, but the ambulance was stuck and unable to leave the scene for around an hour. Please consider where you park when out and about to ensure farmers, locals and emergency services have access.
Please 𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘 & 𝗦𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗘 this post and 𝗗𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗘 to help support us and raise awareness of the work we do throughout the community.